Papers from BMDC for GMC Registration

The idea of going to another country and start a life as a doctor there from scratch sounds daunting, but it’s not impossible. We, as doctors, have to jump through a lot of hoops in our own country in terms of career progression and job satisfaction. And it’s not as though it’s a bed of roses outside the country. You won’t just pass a few exams and be consultant. In the end, the decision is yours, as you are the one who will have the last say. I can only input what I have done to get to where I am now.
In this post, I would specifically talk about the required papers a Bangladeshi doctor needs to obtain, and also the ways to obtain them.
I’ve already discussed in this post, how to obtain papers for GMC registration : Part 1 (Bangladeshi Doctors) about how to obtain the MBBS main certificate and academic certificate from your university.
This post is for acquiring required papers from Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BM&DC).
What do I need from BM&DC?
- Full registration certificate.
- Certificate of Good standing.
- Letter stating your internship was accepted and held provisional reg during internship (let’s just call this BM&DC Letter of Internship)
Full BM&DC Registration
Some cases when you are eligible to obtain FULL BM&DC registration-
- If you have studied in any recognised medical college in Bangladesh and finished one year of internship (which was surely under BM&DC provisional registration).
- If you are a Bangladeshi with a foreign medical graduation, you will still have to complete one year of internship in a recognised hospital.
- If you are not Bangladeshi and with a foreign medical graduation, you’ll have to sit for a BM&DC registration exam. After passing that a provisional registration will be provided to complete one year of internship. And after that you can have Full Registration.
(To my knowledge I’ve seen all the stated varieties for newly qualified doctors. There might be some other ways that I’m not aware of. You can always reach them for further information)

What do I need to obtain that FULL registration?
You need to submit the following papers:
- M.B.B.S. original certificate together with a photocopy.
- Original Internship training certificate together with a photocopy.
- Provisional registration certificate to be surrendered.
- Full registration fee to be paid by bank draft /pay order/cash, payable to Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.
- Two copies of a recent passport size photograph, attested on the back by the principal of the respective college.
Two important points to make here-
- They will return the main certificates right that day after they verify.
- Your provisional registration is most likely in your medical college’s students’ section or in your hospital’s administration office.
Keep in mind that when your internship finishes, hundreds of doctors will also be done. So, naturally the crowd gets very large in the small BM&DC office, and wait time to obtain the registration become substantially longer (even as long as 1½ months). Ergo, try to start working on your internship logbook as soon as you can, which will lead you to have your internship completion certificate early, thereby expediting the entire process.
The Full BM&DC registration costs around TK1500-1600, which is payable inside the office in cash. After receiving your papers and taking your payment, they’ll print out a money receipt. It is a very important document. I didn’t have full registration certificate ready when I was applying for my PLAB/UKMLA 2 Visa, so I added a copy of this money receipt to my visa application.
To know what further documents you may need for your PLAB/UKMLA 2 visa, please check this post- UK Visa guidance : Supporting Documents (Part 2 of 3).
BM&DC Full Registration done.
Certificate of Good Standing (CGS)
It is a type of clearance certificate from the medical council you’re currently registered with stating that no disciplinary action was taken against you nor are you under any disciplinary proceedings. This is a MUST to provide when you finally apply for GMC Registration after passing PLAB/UKMLA 2.

CGS expires after a specific amount of time. Please read here further, papers needed for GMC registration, to determine the timing of the application for these papers.
Unlike full BM&DC registration, to apply for and pick up your CGS, you don’t have to be present. Anybody with your papers can go apply for it.
What papers do I need to apply for a CGS?
- Application (stating reason) with documentary evidence.
- Bio-data with working experience (if any); place and duration of work to be mentioned.
- Character certificate from a registered physician mentioning registration number of the certifying physician/ 1st class Gazetted Officer.
- Photocopy of valid full registration certificate.
- Two copies of recent passport size photograph attested on backside by a registered physician/1st class Gazetted Officer. Registration number of the physician must be quoted under his/her seal and signature.
- Performance certificate from last employment authority from inland and abroad.
- Declaration form to be signed by the applicant, which is available in this office.
- Fees for certificate of good standing to be paid by bank draft/pay order/cash , payable to Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.
- Those who are in Govt. service should apply through his/ her controlling officer.
- Photocopy of M.B.B.S. Certificate.
Feel overwhelmed by the amount of documents needed? Don’t be, they aren’t that difficult to obtain.
Let’s start from the beginning.
- Application for CGS. Here is a template. Just insert your details correctly. (your signature here should be as your BM&DC signature)
- Bio-Data. Here is a template again.
- Character certificate from a registered physician/1st class Gazetted Officer. Here is a template. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a professor or equivalent, I got it signed from my medicine registrar who has known me since 3rd year.
- Photocopy of BM&DC full registration.
- Take photos with you when you are getting the character certificate signed.
- If you can manage a performance certificate, it’s fine. I wasn’t employed anywhere after my internship, so I attached a photocopy of my internship completion certificate.
- Here is the Declaration Form. It is also available in the BM&DC office.
- For CGS it costs TK3000 (for Bangladeshi) and $200 (for foreign nationals), which is payable in the BM&DC office in cash.
- You know what to do if you’re in the government service.
- I’m sure you have your MBBS certificate.
Wasn’t it all a piece of cake?
Anyone with all those papers signed and dated by you can show up in the BM&DC as and when you’ll need it, and submit the application for CGS.
What is the best time to apply for CGS?
A certain plan is required, as GMC doesn’t accept CGS when it’s more than three months old. Please read here further papers needed for GMC registration to help you further to determine the timing of the application for these papers.
BM&DC Letter of Internship
This letter is giving your hard-earned internship a legitimate tag, which is:
- making you exempt from Foundation Year 1 in the UK, thus,
- Proving you are eligible for FULL GMC registration with a license to practise.
BM&DC process this letter and CGS at the same time. Some said it cost them TK500 extra for this, but my father (who applied for this when I was away) didn’t have to pay more than TK3000 for the CGS and this.

What do I need to obtain this?
With all the papers you are submitting for CGS, just add an application for this too. Here is the template. Put your information and BM&DC signature correctly.
The official may want a proof that they need to provide this or not. In that case please print this GMC Page and add with your application.
When do I apply for this?
This letter doesn’t expire like CGS does. So, you can get it anytime after you’ve obtained your full registration. But in my experience, BM&DC processed the letter and the CGS together. You can always go and ask them.
To summarize, as soon as your internship finishes, you should apply to get the FULL BM&DC registration. And as soon as you obtain your full BM&DC registration, you should prepare all the necessary papers that mentioned above - printed, signed and ready - so that the application can be made right when you need it.
Good luck to you all!