What to expect for the GMC ID Check

The moment has finally arrived! You’re getting registered as a doctor under the GMC and you are just ID check away. Congratulations, you’re that much closer to achieving your dream.
Now let’s get back to what you have to do.
If you are taking PLAB/UKMLA – then there is NO separate GMC ID Check for you. The ID check that happened/will happen on the day of your PLAB/UKMLA 2 exam is enough. The PLAB/UKMLA 2 booking confirmation email will direct what documents you need to bring and that’s it.
If you are taking any other route of GMC registration other than PLAB/UKMLA (like PG qualification, MRCP, MRCS) – You will HAVE to attend an ID check in the UK for GMC registration.
To get a clearer idea about when to book a GMC ID check appointment, please check this post what to do after PLAB 2.
What happens in the ID check?
It happens exactly as the name implies. They check your identity. Before going for an ID Check, you should receive an email like this-

You need to come for an identity check!
Everything is neatly explained in the email. Go ahead and book an appointment (if you haven’t booked already), ensuring you bring along the specified original documents as listed.
How to get there?
By now you must be accustomed to the transport of London, or Manchester. Especially if you book your ID check in Manchester, you know how to get there because your PLAB/UKMLA 2 exam was held at the same place.
But, you may not have gone to their London office. It is at 350, Euston Road, London NW1 3JN. The easiest way to travel around London is always underground tubes. No matter where you’re coming from, hop into a Hammersmith & City line and drop at the Great Portland street station. The GMC building is on the opposite side of the road.

What is going to happen after I reach?
At the reception, you will have to state your purpose of your visit, then s/he will let you in. You go to the second floor and again meet another receptionist. They will give you a badge with your name on it. Wear it and wait.
There is also a coffee machine and a water cooler, just like on your PLAB/UKMLA 2 day, remember? More importantly, there are quite a few different booklets- Leadership, Communication, and all about the Good Medical Practice. If you’re really interested, you can go through them while sipping a cuppa and wait for your call.
Finally, they’ll ask for you:
- You go in with a staff member to a small cubicle. Then, s/he asks for your papers one by one. You’ll show your passport and original documents.
- They’ll take your documents and leave you alone for some time to watch a video about how doctors should act in the UK healthcare system.
- After you finish watching that video, the person will return and make sure of some other things in their checklist- like your registered address, your contact number.
- Regarding the address, it’s just for sending the certificate, which is available to you in your GMC Online Account. It’s better you give a UK address, as it will reach you quickly, but you can still give your home address if you wish. It’s nothing fancy or decorated, the important thing is your entry in the online register, which will be live before you leave the building.

It’s done.
You’re a fully registered doctor with a license to practice in the UK. You or anybody in the world can find you in the List of Registered Medical Practitioners under the GMC.
When do I get that email invitation for ID check?
Before you show up for you ID check, you will HAVE to have received the email saying – “You need to come for an ID check!” You get this email after GMC has assessed all the scanned documents you had to send them after completion of your Online GMC application and payment.
To know further about online part of GMC registration, please check this post, online application for GMC registration.
What if I get email saying they need more documents?
What happens to my ID check booking then?
Yes, it can happen. After you sent them your documents via email, they will assess your case and MAY ask for further documents. But they will surely give a deadline for you to send those extra documents. If your ID check appointment booking date is AFTER they assess your extra documents and give you a green signal, that booking date still holds! But if you haven’t got the green signal and your ID check date is going to pass by, unfortunately that means the appointment is cancelled.
In no case you can go to any GMC office and show up with your documents.
- You NEED to send them all your documents via email first.
- They will assess that and email you back that you need to come for an ID check and state what documents they need you to bring with.
- Only then you can show up for an ID check.
So, in case your appointment got cancelled for the first time, you can always make a new appointment in your GMC Online account after they tell you that you can come for an ID check. It doesn’t cost anything.
How much time can I take to have an ID check?
I will try to break it down:
- After you pass PLAB/UKMLA- you need to get registered within two years of time. That means you need to submit the online application for GMC registration and pay within two years of passing PLAB/UKMLA 2.
- After you completed the online GMC registration and gave your payment- you have 28 days to send them the required documents they asked of you.
- After you sent them the required documents, and they tell you to come for an ID check- you have to book an appointment within 3 months of receiving that confirmation email.
What about the validity of my certificate of good standing?
If you sent GMC a valid (3 months) CGS, and they accepted it told you to come for an ID check, but somehow you couldn’t arrange an appointment before your CGS expires, you need to call and inform GMC about it. In most of the cases, they will accept it as you’ve sent them a valid one during assessment. But, it’s always a good idea to call and make sure of your queries. They will answer your call, and are very thorough about everything.
My visa will expire before my ID Check. What to do?
You can apply for a standard visitor visa for an ID check, exactly like you did for your PLAB/UKMLA 2. You need to attach that confirmation email also a print – out of your booking from your GMC online account.
To see in detail how to apply for a standard visitor visa please refer to the three posts in the category UK Visa Guidance. The necessary documents will change a bit but still you will have to have an itinerary and financial support for your visit.
After you’re done with your ID check, the next step is getting a job with the NHS.
If you still haven’t set up a NHS jobs profile yet, you can check this post on how to apply for jobs in the NHS.
Congratulations again! You’ve made it this far, so good luck for all of your future endeavors.