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Articles in this section focus on the Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) component of the UK Medical Licensing Assessment (UKMLA) previously called PLAB 1. It provides study resources, preparation tips, and insights into the structure and content of the AKT.

Featured Post UKMLA AKT

How to prepare for PLAB1 or UKMLA AKT

What to do after PLAB 1 or UKMLA AKT

How to book PLAB/UKMLA 1 and open a GMC Online Account

What to expect for PLAB/UKMLA

PLAB/UKMLA in six months : A tried and tested plan

How to deal with unfortunate results: Failing PLAB/UKMLA 1

Featured Post UKMLA AKT

What is the UKMLA?

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